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Lights, Camera…Paint Collage Workshops With Artists Clubhouse and Worcester Film Festival

Monday 29th July & Tuesday 30th July
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Lights, Camera…Paint Collage Workshops 
With Artists Clubhouse and Worcester Film Festival
Monday 29th July & Tuesday 30th July
This year we are able to offer two free workshops as part of our Lights, Camera…Paint Art Trail. Come along and have a go at making your own movie mashup poster with us using collage and mixed media.
All materials are supplied so all you have to do is bring yourself. Suitable for older children, teenagers and adults. Children should be accompanied by an adult to support with any cutting and sticking.
Thanks to our sponsors from Worcester City Council Community Fund, local software company bluebox Software, Worcester County Councillor Malcolm Victory and Worcester City Councillors Lynn Denham and Mel Allcott.